Hand-sewing leather - make a handy case
Sat. Nov. 4, 2017 - 1:00 to 3:00 PM
12 and up
at Mangled Studios
It seems like the simplest thing, but small pockets, pouches and cases are endlessly useful to protect, store and organize your most precious possessions. Credit cards, transit passes, money - it's up to you! They make nice gifts, too. In this workshop you will learn the basics of cutting and sewing a small leather pouch by hand, using simple tools. How do you get those lines of stitches so straight and even? How do you make the edges so smooth and neat? How can you make the thread slide more easily? How do you install snaps? Learn these tricks of the trade and more!
All tools and materials are included.

Lantern making, part 1 - Building a sturdy frame
Sat Nov 11, 2017, 2:00pm – 4:30pm
Part 1 only - $25.00
Together with Part 2 - Papering, finishing and lighting - $40.00
12 and up
at SkyBlue Art Studio
In this workshop, part 1 of 2, you'll learn how to build a sturdy yet lightweight frame for a portable paper lantern, which can be carried on a pole or hung as a decoration for parades, events or just for fun. We'll cover what to think about as you create your design, materials you can use, and how to fasten the parts together. We'll also discuss how you can cover the frame, but this will be done in part 2 of this workshop.
It is recommended that you take both workshops, but I'm breaking it into two parts to allow for frames to be ready for papering, and to allow you to think about how you want to paper your frame once it's complete.
All tools and materials are included.

Lantern making, part 2 - Papering, finishing and lighting
Sat Nov 18, 2017, 2:00pm – 4:30pm
Part 1 only - $25.00
Together with Part 1 - Building a Sturdy Frame - $40.00
12 and up
at SkyBlue Art Studio
Once you have your lightweight frame built, you will need to paper it. In Part 2 of this workshop, you will learn how to choose and prepare paper for covering your lantern, how to cut pieces, adhere them to the frame and finish the lantern ready to show off at the Winter Solstice or whenever you like! We'll also discuss safe lighting options, and how to make a lightweight carrying pole.
All tools and materials are included.

Needle Felting 101
Sunday, Nov. 26, 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM
$ 25.00
12 and up - no experience necessary
at SkyBlue Art Studio
In this workshop, meant for beginners, I'll show you the basics of needle felting , an inexpensive and satisfying craft that requires only a few simple materials and tools to begin creating colourful felt ornaments, simple figures, jewellery or pet toys. You will need some confidence using your hands, since we will be working with very sharp little needles. We will cover safe use of the needles and how to protect your fingers, so don't worry!
All tools and materials included. There will be more for sale at the workshop.

Needle Felting 201
Sat. Jan. 13, 2018, 1:00 to 3:00 PM
$ 30.00
12 and up - some experience necessary - just a little!
at Mangled Studios
In this workshop, we'll build on the skills we learned in Needle Felting 101. This time we'll learn to make a small figure built on a optional wire armature, which makes it stronger and somewhat posable. You can skip the armature if you plan to give this to a young child or pet who might be injured by chewing on it. Animals, birds, mythical creatures, monsters - whatever you like (just keep it relatively small and simple.)
All tools and materials included. There will be more for sale at the workshop.